As you must know that blood pressure means the balance of blood flowing in our body is disturbed. If the flow of blood in our body is proper, then our body and mind remain correct, but as soon as the balance of blood deteriorates. At the same time some symptoms start appearing in our body that something wrong is going on in our body. There are two situations of blood pressure, one is high blood pressure and the other is low blood pressure. The blood pressure of humans is normally 120/80, if it fluctuates, it is called blood pressure disease, it normally occurs when a person crosses 40 years, but today this problem is about People of the age of 30 -35 have started happening and the main reason for this is today’s life.

01. high blood pressure

If high blood pressure is said in simple words, then it can be said that there is a rapid flow of blood in the body which is intoxicated. Due to the rapid flow of blood in the veins, changes begin to take place in our body, such as the heart beat increases, the head becomes dizzy, intoxication becomes bursting.

your arteries should be sturdy, springy, and smooth to move blood easily from your heart and lungs to your organs and other tissues. High blood pressure, or HBP, pushes too hard on your artery walls. This damages the inside and causes fat, or “plaque,” to collect. That plaque makes your arteries more stiff and narrow, so they can’t do their job as well.

It’s when pressure pushes out a section of an artery wall and weakens it. If it breaks, it can bleed into your body, and that could be serious. It’s possible in any artery, but an aneurysm is most common in your aorta, which runs down the middle of your body. If you have a damaged artery, you could get an aneurysm even if you don’t have high blood pressure. If there is high blood pressure then your drug can get fat and blood can come out of intoxication and this can be a serious condition and can also lead to death of the person.

Heart Attack

Heart attack has also become a common problem in today’s time.

When enough plaque builds up, or a clump of it comes loose, to completely block an artery to your heart, it can cause a heart attack. The blockage starves the heart muscle of oxygen and nutrients. That can hurt or destroy it.

You usually feel pressure or pain in your chest, but sometimes in your arm, neck, or jaw too. It might be hard to breathe, and you could be dizzy or nauseated.

Call 911 if you have any of these warning signs. 

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