You should follow the below-written diet plan for having a
perfect body shape

Add the below-mentioned food items to your diet for a long-lasting physique transformation. Go ahead for your fat to fit journey with us. 

Food items for a healthy body 

● Eggs 

● Nuts 

● Bananas 

● Water 


It’s a nutritious treat, you must add eggs to the breakfast. Though a single egg is rich in various vitamins like A, B5, B12, D, E, B6, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, 6 grams of protein and five grams of healthy fats.                                                   photos by jai meena egges protin 

They also contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats and many other nutrients. It is said that eggs are a rich source of protein.

Moreover, they too have an exclusive amino acid profile & are one of the best sources of protein. Omega 3 can help in rapid fat loss found in eggs. 

NUTS :-  

 Nuts are a staple snack for any bodybuilder.   Rich in fiber, protein, healthy fat, vitamin E. Magnesium and Manganese. Studies have found a 62% greater weight loss in the nut group compared to the complex carb group & also their nutrients differ. So you should add nuts to your diet along with yogic asanas. 


Bananas are loaded with fiber, potassium, folate and antioxidants. They also contain Vitamin C. According to a review people who follow a high fiber diet can have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

Moreover, they are beneficial for your digestive health. A banana contains water and fiber. Both promote regularity and encourage digestive health. 

So include bananas in your breakfast regularly. 


Keeping yourself hydrated is one of the most crucial tasks of the       day. 60% of the body is made up of water and 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints’ shock-absorbing ability, so drinking an adequate amount of water can cure your body of such diseases. Hence water plays a very crucial role. 

You can accommodate the above-mentioned food items in your life along with the exercises discussed above.

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