meaning of dhanurasana:

Creating a pose by arching your body like a bow . The bow referred is a bow as in “bow and
arrow.” This asana is so named because the body
mimics the shape of a bow with its string stretched
back ready to shoot an arrow


                               It is known from this posture that you have to make your body like a bow. In this posture, you have to do yourself in such a way that an arrow is shot on the bow.

Follow by step by step:-

  • First of all, you have to lie down on your stomach on a mat.
  • Your body has to be kept straight, the feet should be in line with each other and the hands should be open from the hips, the palm should be towards the sky. The face should be facing forward
  • Now bend your legs from the knees and move your toes to the upper side and simultaneously moving your hands up, move the right foot to the right hand Grab the ankles with your hands and pull them up
  • While inhaling, While inhaling, slowly pull the knees up and lift the knees off the floor and Hold yourself here and hold your breath for a while Hold yourself here and hold your breath for a while
  • Slowly exhale bringing the knees of the floor,release the ankles Slowly lower your body and release your legs and come back to your earlier position.

Benefit of dhanura-sana:-

 Dhanurasana has many such benefits, not only for some time but it is beneficial for the whole life.

  1. Its first and most effective obvious advantage is that it creates flexibility of your spine.
  2. Relieves lower back pain in your back side with your daily practice
  3. Relieves upper back and neck tension
  4. Expands your abdominal muscles and gets your blood flowing regularly
  5. Removes all types of digestive related diseases and also relieves tension and fatigue in the hands and feet
  6. Increases your body’s digestive power and shoulder strength with daily practice

 Important points. 

While doing this asana, the process of breathing should be done through the nose only two to three times.

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