You know the ‘unlimited’ medicine? I want to go to sleep.

 benjamin hardy

 You know the drug in the movie Limitless? Fasting is the natural, healthy and sustainable version of the same.

1. superhuman will :-

    Fasting, by its very nature, is to shut down the physical in order to tap into the higher realms of meaning.

 Destructive addiction and other sabotaging behaviors are the opposite of willpower. And they slowly but surely ruin your life.

 Your every decision is important. If you justify bad decisions from time to time, you are preventing the development of quality habits. More precisely, persistent bad behavior is actually a reflection of bad habits.

And bad habits are the fast-track to a crappy life—the root of which is a lack of self-control.

 If you can’t control yourself, what can you control?

 But when you’re fasting, you’re consciously choosing not to eat to eat something else–even if you feel hungry. And there is nothing more fundamental than food to survive. As a result, when you learn to control your own eating, you develop the ability to control less fundamental and often destructive addictions.

 Fasting is by far the most sophisticated willpower workout available. If you become good at fasting, you can learn to control every other aspect of your life. If you become adept at fasting, you can overcome any addiction, no matter how deep. Clinically, fasting has been found to rapidly eliminate cravings for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs.

2. superhuman belief :-

Neuro-chemically, fasting elevates levels of catecholamines – such as dopamine – which increase your happiness and self-confidence while reducing your anxiety.

 But it’s easier than that.

Without self-control, you cannot have confidence. In fact, confidence reflects your attitude about your own potential. And if you constantly self-sabotage instead of self-confidence, you will experience inner-struggle.

 Inner conflict erodes your will power. It is exhausting and puts you on the defensive constantly——both for other people and yourself.

But when you see yourself acting the way you intended to act, your confidence in yourself increases. You develop greater confidence in your abilities, and this motivates you to take on bigger goals, risks, and challenges in the future. Eventually, you develop the self-efficacy that allows you to control your destiny and future. Full strength and confidence.

3. Superhuman brain functioning :-

       Fasting actually increases your brain cell count. Here is a short list of some of the scientifically backed cognitive benefits of fasting:

Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy (eg, “self-eating”), whereby cells recycle waste materials, reduce dysfunctional processes, and self-repair. Brain health is dependent on neuronal autophagy. Another study shows that interference of neuronal autophagy induces neuro-degeneration. Simply put, without the process of autophagy, the brain would neither develop properly nor function optimally.Fasting increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that interacts with neurons in the hippocampus, cortex and basal forebrain(Parts of the brain that control memory, learning and higher cognitive function – typical human material) . BDNF helps existing neurons survive while stimulating the growth of new neurons and the development of neuro-synaptic connectivity. Low levels of BDNF have been linked to Alzheimer’s, memory loss and cognitive impairment.Evidence suggests that low BDNF is related to depression. Indeed, antidepressants increase BDNF levels. Thus, many doctors believe that fasting can ease depression.

4. Supernatural Clarity and Direction :-

             With increased clarity and cognitive functioning from fasting, it becomes easier to analyze your bad habits and make important decisions about the direction of your life.

 When you remove yourself from the noise of addiction – “even temporarily food addiction” – you free up space for the subtle hint of your guiding truth.While fasting, you will soon become aware of the discrepancies in your life. Your bad habits, lack of organization and intention, and the wrong path are cast under a cognitive and spiritual microscope.

5.supernatural health :-

             Research has shown that obese individuals do not receive the correct signals that they are full due to excessive eating patterns. Due to improper eating habits, their neuro-chemistry and hormones all become useless.

6.superhuman motor skills and precision :-

            Research has found that fasting can reduce age-related decline in cognitive and motor abilities (such as physical balance).

7.superhuman sleep :-

            If you travel a lot or have a weak sleep cycle, research has found that fasting for 16 hours can reset your sleep cycle. Other research has found that fasting can improve the overall quality of your sleep.

8. Supernatural Productivity :-

            In the state of fasting, your mind can be engaged in its work. I believe this is because the cognitive and sensual amplification of fasting forces you into the moment. In other words, fasting helps you live in the present. It is powerful and beautiful. It is normal for me to have high focus and psychological fluency while fasting.

9. Supernatural Feelings :-

            Fasting stabilizes your emotions. This is due to the separation from emotional dependence on food, in addition to the removal of over-stimulating foods such as caffeine, processed sugars, recreational drugs, tobacco and trans-fatty acids – all of which negatively affect our emotions.

10. Supernatural Energy :-

            Fasting gives you a physical “lightness” feeling, which provides a boost of energy. Another reason for this energy-bounce is that, in a typical diet, our body typically converts foods through carbs and sugars. But fasting trains our body to convert energy from fat, thus increasing our natural energy level.

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